Friday, July 01, 2016

Rain wrap-up 2016

The Stonehill News weather station recorded 14.43 inches of precipitation for the rain season ending June 30, 2016. I have made a tradition of reporting what my neighbors Dan Gollnick and Bill Westphal recorded, going back to 1999 and 2003 respectively.

Here are the available seasonal totals:

Season    PacRad     KCAALTAD1   SHN       Avg
1999-2000  19.76"      --        --        --
2000-2001  21.22"      --        --        --
2001-2002   8.27"      --        --        --
2002-2003  24.47"      --        --        --
2003-2004  15.47"     14.72"     --        --
2004-2005  62.56"     56.66"    61.61"    60.28"
2005-2006  24.06"     22.37"    23.35"    23.26"
2006-2007   6.81"     6.52 "     6.15"     6.49"
2007-2008  26.04"     24.66"    23.64"    24.78"
2008-2009  16.34"     15.77"    15.09"    15.73"
2009-2010  26.50"     25.55"    24.92"    25.66"
2010-2011  34.49"     34.17"    30.70"    33.12"
2011-2012  13.62"     13.66"    13.39"    13.56"
2012-2013  11.58"     11.59"    11.39"    11.52"
2013-2014   6.38"      6.82"     6.66"     6.62"
2014-2015  12.81"     10.28"    11.82"    11.64"
2015-2016  16.84"     14.17"    14.43"    15.12"
(04+) Avg  21.5"     20.19"    20.26"    20.65"

I've included averages from the 04-05 season to the present.

I included lines on the map from both of the Stonehill stations to Bill's station. According to Google Maps, Bill is at 1640' and is approximately 1.25 miles WNW of here.

That puts him at the exact same elevation as PacRad, but he's on slightly flatter terrain (no canyon walls directly adjacent to him). I speculate that the shape of the terrain more than the elevation is causing microclimatic differences, but it does not seem to follow a predictable pattern.

We assume the variation is due to micro climatic differences, not calibration or placement problems. The fact that the percent difference is not consistent year over year supports this assumption. Further more, in the 2014-15 season, Dan retired his old hardware and has been using new hardware.

View Stonehill Weather Stations in a larger map

Here are the previous wrap-up posts:
Rain wrap-up 2015
Rain wrap-up 2014
(no Rain Wrap-up was posted in 2013)
Rain wrap-up 2012
Rain wrap-up 2011
Rain wrap-up 2010
Rain wrap-up 2009
Rain wrap-up 2008
Rain wrap-up 2007
Rain wrap-up 2006

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